Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A New Project

Last night someone told me that people who are busy always find time, and those who do nothing never have enough time. Well just when I thought my plate was full, another project falls into my lap. The benefits of this project are that it is actually interesting and something that I have a lot of experience in. The big question is will I beable to pull it off. My work on the project will either get me a job or slap me in the face and make me re-think one of the other projects that is currently asking for time. I might actually discuss this project on here, but I have to think about that one first. See ya tomorrow.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Kegs vs. Cases

Its that time of year when my friends for high school and I would organize a new years eve trip to a cabin in the Pocono's. Obviously this year I will not beable to participate, but through the magic of modern technology I have been able to keep up to date on the planning process through mass e-mail. Today an interesting problem arose that I thought I should mention. "Which is better for a weekend of drinking? Kegs or Cases?" I came up with this short list of pros for each, please feel free to add your own.


1. Kegstands
2. Less Mess
3. Doesn't take up valuable fridge space.
4. The thrill of kicking it
5. Solo cups


1. Shotguns
2. More Variety
3. No head
4. No ice bags
5. Bottles

Friday, November 26, 2004

Thanksgiving and a Speech

Yesterday, after work I ran home to get my laptop so that I could go over to the Lettonia house to see if the projector is compatible with my computer for the presentation I have to give tonight. After that I went to the store and picked up some pieces of turkey, corn, and veggies. It set a table made of stools with a towel for a table cloth and lit some candles so that everything would be ready by the time Lena got home from class. Everytime I try to surprise her with something romantic she always seems to come home early, or I'm running late, but it didn't turn out that bad. We had a lovely thanksgiving, unfortunately I spent most of the night working on my presentation. This presentation has taken up most of my life for the past week and I will be very happy when it is all over, but only if I do well. I have the feeling that this presentation will be a major disaster. I have spent most of the day working on it while avoiding the mountain of stuff that I have to do for my job. The second unfortunate thing is that my mind is elsewhere trying to deal with a major problem that I won't go into right now. This "other thing" is huge and I wish I could focus all my time and energy to resolving it, but my life won't allow that right now. If all goes well, after tonight I will beable to think clearly and figure something out to make everyone happy. Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanksgiving, Ukraine, Kongress, Snow

Happy Thanksgiving!

My plans for thanksgiving consist of getting ready for my presentation tomorrow. I'll probably call home, but there will be nothing major.

I wanted to mention the situation in Ukraine and how crazy things are getting. Even worse is the fact that it is splitting U.S. and Russian relations. All it would take would be one gunshot and Russian troops would move in to protect pro-Russia supporters and then the U.S. would be forced to send in "Peace Keepers" and there goes the whole shabang.

Something that I completely forgot about until I saw it mentioned on Latviansonline was that ALJA Kongress has started today. The American Latvian Youth (Jaunatnes) Association holds their annual congress on Thanksgiving Weekend. I remember going to several in High School and college. I look back with fond memories, but being in Latvia has changed my outlook on the organization as a whole. Before I get ahead of myself I would like to mention my disgust at the fact that an American organization who has voted against merging with their Canadian counterparts has decided to hold their congress in Toronto. Who's in charge? The organization as a whole has lost its way since Latvia regained independence in 1991. Luckily there are a few people that are doing something about it. A new organization is taking shape that will shake the very foundations of ALJA. Philadelphia (Filadefijas) Latvian Youth (Jaunatnes) Organizing (Ricibas) committee (Komiteja) or FLJRK has set about to bring ALJA back to its roots including bring the congress and other events back to Philadelphia and its surrounding area.

Its still snowing.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Bad Day

Well I have nothing big to report, just that its been a crappy day and that I haven't been able to get anything done. I have many many thigns to do, and no time or motivation to do them. I guess I'll just do what everyone else does and blame it on the weather.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Well, it was snowing when I woke up this morning and there was about a half a foot (15 cm) of snow on the ground and it hasn't stopped snowing since. I checked the weather report and the snow is supposed to stop around...March. This is the Latvian winter I was waiting for. Last year the winter was warm and wet. It was overall just kind of crappy, but this year is going to be full of the winter wonderland scene. I told Lena that I would like to go skiing at some point this year, but that will all depend on time and money. I haven't skied in years, and the mountains (hills) here aren't anything special but it would just be nice to try and relive my youth. To sound even older, Tomorrow is my 5 year high school reunion. I don't think I'm going to make it. I told some friends to get some pictures, but who knows if they are even going to go. 5 years isn't a really long period of time. The 10 year reunion will probably be huge. Who knows where I'll be at that point. Anyway, that's enough ranting for one day.

Monday, November 22, 2004


Sorry, Alan your not my first comment. Others have commented before you and while comments are few and far between that doesn't take away from the excellent writing (hahaha). Well, I'm glad to see that you finally figured out how to get to my site and post a comment. Anyway, enough about you, here's more about me.

Well, I'm back at work after a four day weekend where I didn't get to relax at all. Thursday was Latvia's independence day filled with parades and fireworks. It was the usual celebration stuff. Friday I had to come into work for an hour because the administration is concerned about a Germany supplement (blah blah). Lena had to work so I hung out at her work for a little while too. Saturday was Management lectures followed by house cleaning followed by dinner at the editor's apartment to discuss The Project. Sunday was more lectures followed by a little relaxation, but that couldn't be enjoyed because of the thought of work the next day pounding in my head. Today at work was spent sending out CV (resumes) and more scheming to figure out a way to get more money. I don't know if it will ever happen, but sometimes its fun to dream or starting several companies all at once in the hopes that one will be successful so that you'll never have to worry about money ever again. Oh well, back to work (AAARGHH).

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Last Post (For a little while)

Since tomorrow is a Latvia's independence day and Friday is also a day off, I guess the next time I will beable to post is Mon. Nov. 22., which seems like I very long ways away, but I'm sure I won't be saying that on Sunday. Plans for the holiday consist of participating in national ceremonies on Thursday, relaxing on Friday, and classes on Saturday and Sunday. It will be nice to not have to think about work for awhile, but that just means that all my time will be focused on other projects. So, bye bye for now and if your well behaved then I'll bring you back something nice.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Profile Photo

I should probably explain the change in my profile photo. Well, the picture is from the trip Lena and I had taken to Sigulda with some friends (I think I mentioned it in a previous post). Lena felt that I should change the picture, because its reflects more of what I look like now and how I act. Anyway, so that's about it.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Crazy Weekend

Well, this past weekend was crazy (hence the title). Friday was quiet. Saturday started with Management lectures at 9.00 (9 am) followed by Work at 11.00 (11 am) which was expressed in my previous post. From work it was straight to the fraternity house at 17.00 (5 pm) where this weekend's party started. In honor of Latvia's independence on Thursday (Nov. 18) Lettonia every year has a "Komerš" which is a whole weekend of ceremonies, singing, eating, and drinking (Of Course). Unfortunately I had to leave at midnight (00.00), because I had another Management lecture at 9.00 (9 am) on Sunday. As could be expected I was late to the lecture, but that didn't matter since I wasn't of much use to anyone including myself. After the lecture I dragged myself back to the frat house where a party that started out with 70 men sitting around a huge table in the convent hall was now just ten guys sitting in the kitchen. Some were having breakfast and beers, while other were roaming around house cleaning up and waking up people who had passed out in every corner of the house. It reminded me of the American-Latvian youth weekends that I attended in high school. After I decided that it was enough I went home, shaved and went with Lena to go by a winter jacket that I could wear with my suit, because I was tired of carrying around my jacket in a bag. I would carry my suit jacket in a bag because it would hang out of my fall jacket, which Lena says made me look like a geek. I am a geek no longer (atleast as far as jackets are concerned). OK well that's enough ranting for now. Here's a link to a website where you can read people's novels in progress. Nanomoblogmo.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Working on Saturday

Hey, look at me I'm working on a Saturday!

And now...the explanation.

Next Thursday is Latvia's Independence Day and so instead of working on Friday after a day off the government declares that Friday will also be a day off, but everyone has to work on the Saturday before to make up for the lost work time.

Anyway, that's all I really wanted to say.

Friday, November 12, 2004


This is a test to see if I can post from any email acount.

Thursday, November 11, 2004


I figured it out! I need to set the font to Times inorder to see the Latvian letters! Rock on, so now you people should expect to see alot more Latvian on this page.

More Text Tests

I wonder if I need to change the font. ēŗūīāšģķļžčņ,


I don't know about you guys, but whenever I type it Latvian it dosen't come up on my computer, so in order to fix this I changed the encoding of the blog to support Latvian characters, but I need to check if it works so here's alittle something in Latvian.

Es pilnīgi nezinu ko rakstīt bet es ceru ka vis izdosies. Man vaidzetu rakstīt kaut ko ar garumzīmem bet man nekas nenak pratā. Nu tagad redzesim. ēŗūīāšģķļžčņ

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

No photos

I've been trying for the past few days to post pictures to my blog from my email, but it hasn't been working. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep trying. In other news today is "Mārtiņi" here in Latvia. Martini is an ancient harvest festival that is a cross between Thanksgiving and Halloween. Cooked Goose is usually eating and children parade around in costumes trying to ward off evil spirits. Lena and I are planning on going to dinner with Monta and MārtiÅ†ÅĄ (It's also his name day or "Vārdadiena"). Martins is a local DJ with many of the same aspirations that I have to work with sound an music. I had a crazy idea once that we could start our own company, but those ideas will be slow realize, because of our differing schedules. I work during the day at a newspaper. He works at night in clubs all over the RÄĢga. Ok, see ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Rough Week

Last night was this semester's color awarding ceremony "krasu piesġirÅĄanu", which is when the pledges, who have completed all the requirements, get their colors. Its a night filled with singing and congratulations (usually with a glass of whiskey and a lot of beer). I had a good time. This week is filled with things I have to do for Lettonia, so I hope next week I'll be able to take a week off. Other than work and Lettonia there isn't a whole lot going on. Lena and I forgot our three year and three month anniversary on Sunday so I guess happy anniversary to us.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Weekend Re-Cap

Friday, Lena and I attended the Latvian National Opera to see the Opera "Toska". It was a good Opera (we were late and had to watch the first act standing in the second balcony). The evening was a fraternity and sorority night at the opera where every year the National Opera closes for the student organizations. It was nice seeing everyone proudly wearing their colors and parading around trying to look as respectable as possible. Toska itself was actually enjoyable to watch. It was understandable (other than some other operas I've seen(Magic Flute)). Something that I like about the Latvian National Opera is that all the opera's are subtitled (or overtitled, because the screen appears at the top of the stage). The text makes any opera easier to follow along. Saturday, I woke up late and went to my first lecture of my Management classes. It was as to be expected, somehow interesting and yet, boring at the same time. After class I had to rush to the Lettonia house to get my pitcure taken. Every new class or "coetus" gets their picture taken with their pledgemaster or "olderman" which is then hung on the wall in a room next too the previous "coetus" pictures dating back to 1870. I remember when I was a guest at one of the guest (recruitment) nights, looking at the pictures wondering what life must have been like back then. Now future generations will beable to stare at me. It is kind of a cool feeling. Sunday, I woke up for the first time in a long while not being more tired then when I went to sleep. It felt great. Lena and I spent most of the day in bed watching TV. Later in the evening I got an SMS (text message) that Bar One was showing the Philadelphia Eagles vs. Pittsburgh Steelers NFL Football game. So, as any Eagles fan would do I jumped out of bed and landed at the bar with a beer in my hand. Unfortunately, the game was just painful to watch. I kept wondering if this was the same team that had been playing the previous games. It was a tragic 27-3 loss. Go Eagles!

Friday, November 05, 2004


There is to report today. Just more of the same. Lena and our going to see Toska at the National Opera. Tomorrow classes start. Sunday, more classes. Monday back to work. Here's a blog of two people taking a trip around the world Worldtrip2004.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Helpful Tips

Today I was in sort of a funk. I had a mountain of work to do, but no desire to do it. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I pulled out this list of tips for World Domination. (Most likely posting the list would put me on some kind of government watchdog list). I've posted the list in the World's End section of the Neil Gaiman message board, so I can see what people think. Here's the link Tips and Plans for World Domination.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Post-Election Day

Wednesdays are usually the days when the newspaper goes to press. The editor'n chief is on vacation so I was asked to help proof read the paper. I've done it before, usually when anyone goes on vacation I get the call, but today it was hard to concentrate on the paper when all I wanted to know was who won the U.S. Election. I don't know why. I don't really care who wins. My vote has already been rejected, but I stayed up late last night to watch the first returns, and I after waking up, the first thing I did was turn on the TV to see what had happened. The suspense is killing me. I guess I'm attracted by the pageantry of it all. That should also explain why I like Triple Crown and the Superbowl. The U.S. Election has the same pull as a major sports event, but imagine the TV networks cutting the TV feed on the Superbowl with a message saying that the result will only be announced tomorrow, because the all the spectators have to send in their thoughts (OK bad analogy), but the point is that I hope something happens soon. Here's where I've been watching the action unfold. CNN. BBC.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day

The U.S. Election Day is here and eventhough I voted weeks ago, by absentee ballot, only to have the candidate I voted for stricken from the ballot a week later I still fell compeled to find out whats going on as if it were a sports game. the only problem is that due toe the time difference nothing is happening yet and no results are being post other than from a small village where people voted after midnight which I think is strange, but I guess somebody has to be first and there is probably a historical reason for all of it. In other news I didn't post yesterday, because I was finishing up my paper for Lettonia. I handed in the rough draft yesterday and have to hand in the final on Fri. and prepare a presentation for Nov. 19. Also the governemet has fallen here which means that the President has to pick a new Prime Minister to form a new cabinet, but with all the holiday's this month I doubt its going to happen any time soon. I guess thats all for now.