Sunday, September 24, 2006


Since people are still stumbling upon this blog and since I don't know when I will beable to update it again I feel that I should leave information that is usefull for people that are looking for more information about Latvia. Here are a list of useful links that will help you in Latvia. The Second list is a list of stuff that I just think that I should link to.

1. Ham & Cheese

2. Riga, Latvia

3. Riga In Your Pocket

4. The U.S. Embassy in Riga

5. Riga City Council Website

1. Penn's Podcast

2. This Week in Tech Podcast

3. Funny Cartoons

4. The Best Source of News

5. Go Eagles!

Friday, July 28, 2006

1 year

Well on July 25th 2006 we celebrated 1 year since we openned Ham & Cheese. So we have passed the statistic of 3 out of 4 businesses fail in their first year. We haven't failed yet.

On another note I have decided that it is useless to continue this blog on a regular basis until I can blog by sms from Latvia or we get internet in the Sandwich Shop. When big things happen I of course will try to write about them, but as for the everyday stuff I just can't keep that going anymore.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Best Day

Today we hit a new high in sales. I am really tired, but I had to tell someone so there you go. Goodnight.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Well the chaos has begun. Old town is a wash with Scandinavians. You can follow all the action at

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

More Work

My usuall day.

Sleep, Work, Eat, Email, Blog, Wash, Sleep.

Rinse, Repeat Wipe Hands on Pants.

Thats enough for today.

Friday, April 14, 2006

More Posts

Well I am posting again, but I don't really have anything to say, but I thought I would let you know about what my plans are for Easter. Tomorrow I have to work, but after that I am heading to Madona by bus. There I will spend Easter with Lena and her family. On monday morning I we be back on a bus to Riga inorder to go to work. Sometime next week is my birthday, but it looks like I will have to work on my birthday. We have been presented with an opportunity to sell Sandwiches at a sporting event which would be huge for us. I wasn't really planning on doing anything for my birthday anyway, because the next day is the grand ball of Lena sorority so we will celebrate there. If I remember I will take some nice Easter pitures to post. Wait for them.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Spring Has Sprung

Well just as soon as the snow hit the ground it melted and spring started, but of course with spring comes rain. It is also Palm Sunday or as it is known here as Pussywillow Sunday, because Palms don't grow this far north and pussywillow have been used for thousands of years here to ward off evil and sickness. Anyway, that is you knowledge dosage for today.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by Auseklis.
I want this to be my new profile picture, but it is too big. I will have to make it smaller somehow.

Lets blow the dust off of the blog.

Yeah so I guess it has been a long time since I have blogged so I guess I need to make up for lost time, but of course as always as soon as I start writing I forget what I was going to write about. It sucks that I can't blog from my phone through sms. Anyway, It was snowing here yesterday. SNOWING IN APRIL. Yeah... I don't know how much more of that I can take, but today was a great spring day. (place tinfoil hat on head) Overall I that that whoever is contolling the weather machines is just screwing with our heads (remove tinfoil hat). As far as the business we have a new website now and it looks better then the old one. Sales are increasing, but so is the amount of crap that surrounds the shop like crap on a bug. Since I haven't blogged in forever and a day I don't really know who will read this, so I guess I can say whatever I want and know one will notice. Give this huge opportunity I draw a complete blank like an sheet of paper. OK well I will wrap up this joyful wondering through the receses of my mind. I hope all is well.