Monday, January 31, 2005

The Weekend

What can I say? Friday was fun. Saturday was a blast. Sunday was terrible. Monday I'm tired and queasy. Everyone catch that? Let me start at the beginning. Friday after work I went to Lettonia which was fun. Saturday during the day I went to a fraternity fencing tournament, but had to leave before the fun started, because I had to get ready for the party. The party was a blast. Everyone showed up, which was my biggest worry going into the party, because last year for my birthday very few people showed up. After the party a bunch of us went out for drinks and Pelmeni so we didn't make it home until 4 or 5. Needless to say I was pretty far gone by the time I got home. Everything was fine until the next morning when I was woken up by the sound of someone doing the technocolor yawn. Only when I completely woke up did I realize that it was me. Needless to say the entire next day was spent making long-distance calls on the big porcelain telephone. Every half hour on the dot. You could have set your watch by it. I couldn't even keep water down. Anyway that's enough of the enthralling visualization for one day. Today I'm feeling much better. It will deffinetly be a name day that very few people will forget.

Friday, January 28, 2005

8351 Karlis's in the World.

Well, today is my name day, and it has been constant running. I have had sooo many things to do that I still don't know if I'm going to be able to do it all. After celebrating at work, I have to go to Lettonia for more fun in the sun, but Lena's uncle whose in Riga for the night wants me to go drinking with him and buy a car from a guy he knows. Lena's uncle Valdis is more myth than person. The stories about him are bigger than him. He's the only person I know who has gone to work in another country and then gets there and decides not to work, because he was offered a better job than the one he was promised. OK, I'm not going to continue to talk about him, because it just upsets me, but now I'm faced with the situation that I have to get out of drinking with him so that I can go drink with the Lettonia guys. Oh, well I'll think of something. Stay tuned for the party update and hangover on Monday.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


I don't know if the last post worked so I'm not going to re-write it. There was really only one important thing that deserves repeating and that is to wish my mom an happy names day, but I still don't think that she read this blog. OK, thats enough for now. I'm tired.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Better Day

Today, I'm doing much better (thanks for asking). No sick feeling, and only minor nervousness about having to fence everyday for the next three weeks. There is something soothing about whacking another guy with a steel blade that takes away fear. In more good news for my final test I won't have to worry about being strapped into protective gear, because there won't be any. No shirt, a helmet, and a heavy cloth that protects the lower parts. In case you haven't noticed, I have gone completely into "Lettonia" mode. Much to the dismay of Lena. These are going to be a tough three weeks, but if successful it means that I will beable to spend more time with her, and as the project with Gary gets underway it means more money for us. I just hope that she understands. I have a few things planned that I hope will cheer her up when things get crazy and I'll be spending most of my time at Lettonia.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


I am currently ill, because of the McDonalds that Lena and I had at lunch. I think I eat McDonalds too infrequently for my stomach to handle it. Lena loves it, but realizes that it is unhealthy and only eats it when she gives into the temptation that is McDonalds. They pump the smell of burgers and fries into the street so that everyone that walks by gets a craving. Worse then being sick is that fact that today I have to fence in Lettonia and now on top of being incredibly nervous I am also sick. I don't know why I'm nervous. Actually I know exactly why I'm nervous, but I don't know why it is a crippling nervousness. During fencing, each fencer is strapped into protective gear. I have a fear of being strapped into anything. I don't know where this fear came from. Most people avoid things that they are afraid of, but I can't avoid fencing. I have to fence so that I can get my colors when my Dad comes to visit. He is going to be here from the 4th until the 22nd, and there are many things that I have to finish before the 14th of Feb. deadline. Anyway, I think I've exposed enough weakness for one day.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Go Eagles!

Last night I watched the Philadelphia Eagles beat the Atlanta Falcons. OK, so I didn't see the end of the game, but they were winning when I left in the middle of the 3rd quarter. I had to go because otherwise I would have had to walk the 40 min. home in the -2'C weather. It is a great feeling. Fourth time is the charm. Now it is on to the Superbowl. Which I will be watching Live at 1:30 AM on Monday morning. In other news, Lena and I spent all day Saturday just relaxing, but because I was out last night watching the game I don't feel anymore relaxed than normal, but overall things are going well in my life. I just need to keep control on the projects I have going on right now, while at the same time trying to keep my job long enough to quit. The next big thing on my plate is getting my colors in Lettonia. My day is coming on the 4th of Feb, and I have until the 14th to get everything done. It doesn't leave me with a lot of time, but with a little luck and a whole lot of studying I should be able to get things done. Somehow this turned into larger post than I intended, but I guess I've said everything I needed to say at this moment.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Quick Post

I'd like to wish my Mom a Happy Birthday, I don't think she reads this, but I thought I should say it anyway. In other news, there is no other news other than this blog that is one of the featured blogs on Iraq.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Hey There.

This past weekend was full of events. On Fri. in Lettonia we had our first Guest Night to recruit new members and one German from Curonia (The Baltic-German Fraternity where Lettonia's founders got the rules that govern Lettonia) showed up. It was an interesting evening overall. On Saturday, I had my last lecture in Management, because the last two classes last year weren't held. Now, I have three case studies that I have to finish by Friday. Also on on Saturday, I discussed the future of the second project on my list of projects, but this project doesn't have a hurried deadline and we can take our time, which is nice. Saturday night, I went over to Aarons for a little gathering, while Lena went and partied with her friends. Sunday I met with Gary and we talked about the major project. Things are going forward. I just need to figure out if will beable to add to the money that is needed to start the business. Sunday evening, I went to Paddy's to watch the NFL playoffs where the Eagles beat the Vikings. There were two of us rooting for Philly and a whole table of Minnesota fans. Next week will be the deciding game against the Atlanta Falcons. That is going to be a big game that everyone in Philadelphia is worried about because it will be the fourth consecutive time that the Eagles will play in the NFC Championship game. They have lost the previous three times. Go Eagles!

Friday, January 14, 2005

Happy Name Day Roberts

It was pointed out to me that I didn't post yesterday and that I still haven't posted today, so I' m posting now. I don't really have anything to say other than to wish all the Roberts a happy name day and that winter seems to be right around the cornner. It has been eerily warm so far in Latvia, but the temperature is heading south in a fast way. Atleast all the storm warnings are over. In other news today is the first guest night of the season for Lettonia, so if anyone wants to join just let me know, you have until the 28th of Jan. Which also happens to be my name day. Oh, and before I forget sometime next week I think I'm finally going to revel what the big project is that I'm working on, because nex week we will finalize the paper work so that we can sue the pants off of anyone that tries to steal the ideal. Once the idea is safe I'll let everyone know what it is and gladly accept any suggestions or words of wisdom. I guess that is all for now. I'll let you know if anything changes.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Introducing Vincent

I was informed today that yesterday my sister Elena gave birth to Vincent Oliver Thaemilitz weighing in at 6 lbs. 9 oz. and 19 in. Happy Birthday and Congratulation to the parents.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Hurricane and a cure for the common cold

Well, the big news in Latvia is The Storm. Lena and I are fine though, so thanks for asking. Here is a picture of where Lena and I spent New Years (Minus the Roof). Apparently its not over yet either. Parts of Estonia are being evacuated for a second wave of flooding and high winds.

In other news, Lena is sick, and unfortunately I have way too much to do to be able to take care of her like I want to. But most of the stuff is just today, so tomorrow I'll beable to spend the whole evening with her. The cures I have in mind start with tried and trusted Melnais Balsams which is a drink that many of my friends will attest to as being able to cure a cold all most instantly. After that its just a lot of Soup, Garlic, and Vitamin C. I'll let you know if it works.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Thank Goodness it is Friday

Its Friday...Woohoo! Lena and I are going to a concert tonight...Woohoo! We are going to sleep all day tomorrow...Woohoo! Its dark..I'm tired..I don't want to be at work...Woo!, um, er...yeah. I have come to the conclusion that the weather has a direct effect on everyone in Riga and possibly everyone in Latvia. Today was disturbingly dark. I woke up incredibly tired. I got to work and one of my colleagues was asleep at her desk. All anyone has been able to talk about all day is how tired they are and how no one has any motivation to work. Lena has been stuck alone at work for most of the day due to one of her colleagues being sick. We tried to chat but the stupid computers at my job are running Linux and the root system is password protected so I can't get any of the chat programs to work right. I would hate to be at work alone. I think I would go insane trying to figure out things to do. I know it sounds crazy, but I sometimes get the feeling that their is nothing worth while on the internet anymore. How many times can you read BoingBoing? In one day when your seven hours ahead of everyone.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

A good day.

Today is a good day. Gary and I have found another solid investor is our project and he has OK'd a place. The place is a little small, but doesn't need a whole lot of renovation and we wouldn't have to go through an agency, so things are looking up. Gary is getting more and more excited by the day. I just hope that the business won't let us down. In other news this is the first day in a long time where I'm going to go home and make Lena dinner. I really like making dinner for Lena, but the past few weeks have been so packed that I haven't been able to just leave work at 18.00 (6 pm), go home and make dinner. Today I'm going to try out a new recipe that fits her new blood type diet. Overall things are going well. In other news I have become fascinated by this new blog about t-shirts. One of the newest posts is how to turn old t-shirts into underwear. Preshrunk.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Projects, Projects everywhere and not a drop to drink.

Most of the projects I'm working on have stalled and so today I started planning my name day celebration on the 28th of Jan.. I've planned everything except where I'm going to get the money to pay for it, and since today was payday and the 28th is at the end of the month I doubt that there will be enough left to pay for the party. I had planned to reserve a place with a sauna, pool table, and ping pong table. Last year I just invited everyone to a bar and it actually turned out nice, so maybe I'll just do that again, but not at the same bar. The bar has changed. So I'll keep the plan for my birthday and look for a bar that has enough space to fit all of my friends, which seems to be getting fewer and fewer by the year. If this keeps up I'll only need a closet and a mirror to throw a party. No pity for me, I'll be fine. By the way, I mentioned yesterday that I entered Lena and I in a drawing, because Lena likes concerts. Well, I couldn't wait so it looks like we'll be going to a concert on Friday by one of Lena's favorite bands and the name of the street that we live on.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I blog therefore I am.

What to post. What to post. The snow is gone. It has been a warm December. There is a quote that I read off of a T-shirt on a blog, that said, "If I had a dollar for everytime I had 60 cents I would be Canada". I don't know why, but I find it funny. Its kind of like the World's End slogan "This shirt is pants". These little awkward sayings that don't make any sense but make people smile.
I just remembered something of value to post. Today, I entered Lena and I in a drawing to win tickets to a concert that has Latvian bands playing their hits from the past 15 years. I know how much Lena likes concerts and it would be really great if we could go. At the very least it would be something of interest to post.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy New Year!

The new year is here, full of new hopes and dreams. I know that it has been awhile since I've posted so I'll do a short re-cap of whats going on and then get to some links that I think are worth mentioning.
Lena and I spent Christmas and new years in Madona. It was a lot of partying and good times had by all. There were probably many many memorable moments, but seeing as how at the moment I don't remember any of them, I won't say anything. Anyway, its not time to remember the past. This is the time to look to the future, and as long as I can get my butt in gear, this should be a pretty great year. I still have a huge load of projects that I'm working on, but finally I'm wading through them, because the closer I get to some of them, the more I realize that they are not possible at this point in time and that I should focus on the ones that are not only possible, but beneficial as well.
OK. Thats enough ranting and raving.
This is a link to a tsunami blog that helps coordinate relief efforts and blogs from the disaster. Tsunamihelp.
This is a link to a ABCNEWS article declaring bloggers the 2004 people of the year. ABCNEWS.
This is a link to a blog about t-shirts. I like it. If I had the time I would make my own t-shirts. Preshrunk.