Monday, April 06, 2009

A Good Day

Well, today was a good day. I went back to Millersville for the first time since I graduated, it was good. It was no where near as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. I saw a few old friends and talked to the students who seemed slightly more interested in me being there then I had expected. After that as I was getting off the turnpike I received a phone call from my parents that they had found a new bar and were drinking, so I joined them. There is a new irish pub type place with a huge selection of beers and soccer on the TVs, after that I helped my mother take canned food to the soup kitchen, and now I am typing this so it has been a good day. Tomorrow starts another work week and next weekend is Easter, so I doubt I am going to get to relax for awhile. Anyway, things are looking up.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Nada Surf - Popular

"Three important rules for breaking up
Don't put off breaking up when you know you want to
Prolonging the situation only makes it worse
Tell him honestly, simply, kindly, but firmly
Don't make a big production
Don't make up an elaborate story
This will help you avoid a big tear jerking scene
If you wanna date other people say so
Be prepared for the boy to feel hurt and rejected
Even if you've gone together for only a short time,
And haven't been too serious,
There's still a feeling of rejection
When someone says she prefers the company of others
To your exclusive company,
But if you're honest, and direct,
And avoid making a flowery emotional speech when you brake the news,
The boy will respect you for your frankness,
And honestly he'll appreciate the kind of straight forward manner
In which you told him your decision
Unless he's a real jerk or a cry baby you will remain friends"

Back to normal

Now that my brother has returned my life has returned to its regular routine. I am continuing the job hunt. Work is getting more bearable. I am glad I have a job, since so many people don't, but I am continuing the search to find the right job for me, even if it means moving out of Philly.