Sunday, March 29, 2009

Free Time

Well, things are looking up. I am house sitting for my brother while he is on his honeymoon. Overall the time I have spent house sitting has been pretty uneventful. I realized that when I start living on my own again I will have to fill my life with other things like organizations or projects. It has been relaxing, and I know that tomorrow at work I will regret complaining about the free time, but that is the way it is.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Today is a regular Monday, but the best part about Monday is Top Gear. I can't wait.

Friday, March 20, 2009


The weekend is here...Spring is here...hopefully nice weather will be here as well. It is days like this that make me want to make a new start at life. Let's see what I recieve from the world this weekend.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Craziness

Well, today starts March Maddness. It is the first time in 6 years that I am going to beable to watch and or care about it. March Maddness always kinda made me wish that I would have gone to a "big name" school, but it is just with sports and everytime I tell someone that I went to Millersville. The first question is always "Where?" Don't get me wrong I loved my time at The Ville, but it is just sometimes like during March or college football season that I wish i could see my school's games on TV and follow their stats on ESPN. Oh well.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So, I have come to a few conclusions. The one is that my job is so repetitious that it gives me alot of time to think, and as I have noticed before when I am left to my own thoughts they start to question everything, and while I do think that my situation might be my fault, because of the fact that I havent figured what to do about it, I have decided to do what I normally do with problems and that is to keep my head down and hope that it will go away. I know that it isnt the best idea, and I might change my mind after more thinking tomorrow, but for now I am going to ignore it.


So, my quest to find out why I am where I am continues. If I were a business or a project I was working on I would answer the following questions. 1. Where am I now? Where do I want to be? What do I need to do to get there? How do I know when I am there? Now the problem is two fold. Either I don't know the answers to those questions or I don't want to admit to myself the answers to those questions. Admitting things to myself is a problem I have discovered. I have been doing things for certain reasons, but then when I look back at what I have done, I realize that the reasons had to be something else. I used to think that we should be judged by our actions, well if that is true, then I am screwed. I need to start doing better things.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Ok, so things haven't really gone the way I had hoped that they would. I usually instead of changing things just deal with what is given me, and if i was put in a bad situation, I would somehow distance myself from the situations and either make the most of it or just put my head down and move on, but after recent events I have started to wonder I the problem is me. Well it is alittle more that wondering, I am pretty sure the problem is me, but now the problem is that I dont know how to change that. I used to be an easy going person and an a**hole and it worked for me, but that might be the reason I am where I am. Either way, I have heard that the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Well, I admit I am an a**hole.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day four

Today was a slower day, but I am getting used to the people I work with. Also due to a meeting for long time employees I got to leave 45 min early so that is nice. One of the people I work with says we are doing well, I guess thats why we spent the last few minutes "looking busy", but I guess thats normal. Anyway, things are going well.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day three

Today was a good day at work. I met some new people, and as much as I don't like people I have realized that they do affect the situation. The work I am doing seems to be more stable and regular. I guess it is the kinda of thing i am going to continue on doing. Even though things are looking up I am still continuing the search for a management job.

Day two

Well day two of work is over. I am settling into the job. I am troubled by the lack of thoughts I have while doing the job. The job is repetitive enough that I should beable to do the job while thinking of other things, but they dont seem to be there, maybe I am still too new and my mind is still focused on not screwing up. Either way, things are moving along.

Thursday, March 05, 2009


Well things are looking up. Tomorrow I start a warehouse job. Its a far cry from the management level stuff I have been doing, but at this point all I want is an honest days pay for an honest days work. So I am kind of excited, but of course I am not going to stop my search for something bigger and better.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


So, life right now is moving forward at a steady pace. I can't seem to catch a break with job openings. I keep making it to the third or final round of interviews and but then nothing. I am thinking that I need to get out of philly and head west. There seems to be more opportunity in places like Ohio. I dont know why, but Ohio doesnt sound like the kind of place I want to move to. I have passed through Ohio with not so good memories. I would like to go to DC, Baltimore, Boston. Anywhere but NYC. That place is too big for its own good. Too many people in a small area. I wouldnt mind being near a beach or a large body of water either. I dont mind traveling. I used to like it alot, but now I get irritated with people quickly when I am traveling.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Happy Hour

Well, things are moving along. Last night was a the "Happy Hour" at the Latvian House in Philly. It went great. I brought Alan and our "fuksi" Janis who is studying at Penn. Everyone had a great time. I have given up beer for lent and as such I was DD. I only had a few cocktails it was nice, but I have discovered that I get bored quickly when everyone is drinking and I am not. I am going have to figure out a game to play to myself to stay interested.