Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Everybody! Everybody!

Everybody! Everybody!

Here is a link to the homestarrunner website for those of you who don't know or for those of you who have forgotten I strongly encourage you to catch up on your strongbad emails. I am going to try and post everyday again like I used to, but I'm not promising any awe inspiring posts. Most of them will probably be just like this.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Back to the Grind

Well now that Aris has left I can return to the stress filled routine that is my life, but before I do that I wanted to post, because I know that the last few posts have just been quick ones, so I wanted to have alteast one normal post before I start running around again. Overall things are going well the sandwich shop is alittle behind schedule, but it is nothing of major concern, because now that we have found a place next to the University of Latvia our target audience is students who will only be there in the fall, so it gives us a little time to work with and set things up so that everything works great. In other news school is also going well although, due to health problems with the professor's mother last week and this week we won't have lectures, which is good, because it gives me time to catch up on all the work and reading, but of course I only wish all the best for the professor's mother. Due to school, I haven't been keeping up with my Lettonia responsiblities, and hopefully this week I will beable to let the guys know that I haven't forgoten about them. In fact tonight is an important night which I will beable to attend, but this weekend is a larger event that I won't beable to attend. In other news my uncle Dzintars in coming to Latvia on Wednsday with his family, I don't really know how this is going to affect everything that I have to get done, but I haven't seen them in a long time and it will be nice to catch up on how they are doing. In news that I had completely forgoten, the Kentucky Derby took place last Saturday and I missed it along with all the pre-coverage. Today I read everythiing I could in the New York Times about what happened and when the next race in the tripple crown is. the problem is that the race is run at 6 pm EST which means 02.00 (2 AM) here, so it dosen't look like I'm going to see that one either, but hopefully I will have time to read what is going on, maybe I can fine a copy of the New York Times somewhere. Anyway, I guess this post is long enough, and I think I have run out of things to say so I'll just stop.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

More of the Same

I know I have been really slacking in the Blogging department, but I've been busy so lay off. It is raining today, which makes my daily running around that much more of a pain. Tomorrow is a day off, because of independance day. If the weather were nice Lena and I would go somewhere, but it dosen't look like that is going to happen. Overall things have been going well. Aris is in town so I've been spend a lot of time with him, because it could be another eight years before I get to hang out with him again. Tonight is the Latvia vs USA hockey game at the world championships in Austria. Latvia needs a win or a tie and the U.S. needs a big piece of humble pie. I still don't know where I'm going to be watching the game, but those kinds of things always seem to work out in the end. OK, well I guess I've done enough ranting for this week. Who konws when I will post again.