Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Don't worry.

Ok, so things are going better and have settled into a routine. I feel better and that is the main thing. I am starting to get motivated again and I really do have a lot to do, I hope that I will be able to get some of it done today. My life is on the brink of going up or down, and I am going to try to do everything I can to make sure it goes in the right direction. The prospects look good, but I dont want to say anything, because I dont want to jinx it. The one thing that I have realized is that my goal to move back to Latvia next year seems more and more less likely. There is one prospect which would be great, because I could help Latvia from here, but like I said I dont want to jinx it. I went through some of my old posts and realized that I have been blogging off and on for 5 years. That is pretty crazy. There isnt a whole lot of substance there, but the fact that I still do it is pretty cool. It would be nice to have a function for this blog, but for the most part this blog is just a place to put my random thoughts and updates of my life that are longer then the 140 characters of twitter. It is interesting when I hear that people actually read this, because I dont really write for others, but it is nice to think that someone thinks this is worth reading. Anyway, that is all for now.